The Feelings of a Confused Teen

I like you but I can't look
I don't want to see your hateful glare
Somehow I'd much rather
You not even know I was there

You know my feelings, you do
Because I told you then denied it
But you didn't believe the lie
You just made me feel like a prized tit

Then sometimes you pretend
That the hate you have isn't real
You get my fragile hopes up
Now where's the fairness in this deal?

So go ahead and be heartless
Just carry on making me feel sick
Because, in the end, you're all the same
And you're just as bad as that nasty Prick.
♠ ♠ ♠
A poem I wrote in a moment of madness. "Prick" is a friends will know who I'm talking about. And I know there isn't much punctuation...I just didn't want to use it.