Blood bath

I took a bath in blood today,
I tried to rid myself of this innocent feeling called love,
Now I look down on his pale white face,
The man I loved,
The man I love,
This is the way I will always remember him,
I will have nightmares,
I will scream whenever my eyes close,
Because I will remember who did this to him,
Made him so pale and Lifeless,
Made him so pale and loving-less
I did this,
I did this to him,
I did this to his loved ones,
I did this to myself,
He broke my heart,
He broke my trust,
he's done nothing wrong,
Because I'm now the killer,
I did not kill my own furry black cat,
I did not kill my own furry black dog,
I did not kill them and lie about it,
saying they were hit by a car in the middle of the night,
But I did kill my love,
I killed my life,
I killed him,
And now I run with my bloodstained hands,
I run home to my sister's house,
Because she is the only one to trust,
because she trusted her crime doing to me,
because she would know how I felt,
because she has done the same,
And because my sister is my twin,
My home,
and she is the arms I run to when I've done something wrong,
and because she is just like me.