Vampiric sister

People scream at the pale face we saw on the surface of the water,
it was staring at us,
but I knew it wouldn't hurt us,
and I knew it wasn't dead,
It was my best friend
Who had been there for me,
grown up with me,
aged with me,
she wasn't dead,
but she was dying,
there was a stake through her chest,
protruding through her front,
She smiled weakly at me,
she mouthed the words,
I'll be back one day,
But a tear escaped,
and a sob pushed itself through,
and a tremor ran through my spine,
because I saw my best friend with a stake through her heart,
my friend ran off to get help,
but I knew she'd be too late,
I knew no one could save this girl in the water,
This girl with a stake through her heart,
Because a stake is the death of any of her kind,
and it would be the death of her,
My best friend,
My Vampiric sister.