
Dear rally helena,
When the hole i dug was collapsing around me,
When I thought there was no escape,
When the ropes to get out were breaking,
And when I hit rock bottom,
You were there,
There's no way to properly thank you,
My body will stop becoming a sculpture that I can just chisel at,
I won't change it anymore,
You came with a rope that won't break,
And my only challenge is to climb to the top of this hole I dug,
To try to not reach rock bottom,
But it won't be easy,
Though the rope won't break,
My roof could always collapse,
I could lose my grip,
It could hurt too much to climb anymore,
I could get too tired,
And the dirt making me too blind to see,
If you see my roof collapse to the point where I can't do anything,
Please try to save me,
I'm trying my hardest,
And I just wanted to thank you,
So thanks again,
Rally Helena.
♠ ♠ ♠
sorry that it's short but better than nothing