I didn't go anywere

You say your hurting and you lost me? Dear, I didn't go any were and your hurting yourself.. But you slowly moved yourself farther and farther away from me? There no going back. As much as I know you want to.. This was your fault, You break my heart remember?
I just think of it as if nothing ever happened between us..
Your lost dear? Your in the night and you can't came out. Your yelling and yelling but no one hears you... You say your alone.. but you could be with me right now. And you choose not to be. I don't know what to say to you anymore? Yes, its hurts losing someone. But I don't get you, you wanted this, not me. I wanted to be with you, I wanted you to be mine. But you liked him. He broken your heart, now you want me back. And I don't think I can do it.

--Ashley Moore