A dark side of me

There I am...sitting, my back to a tree...
and while I smile, while I sing..
on the other side, where the sun forgets to shine its glory...
there I am...sitting, my back to a tree...
and while I wickedly grin, taking the joy of the day...
on the other side, where the sun shines on
I stand, skip to my friends, laughing around...
and while I'm give my good graces to the gods who gave me them...
on the other side, where all is blackened,
I stand, walk my way to those stoneheads, the wicked smile playing on my face...
and while I come to them, my graces to the gods who took them away, annoying freaks...
on the other side, I smile, hoping they never go away...
while I a dream of peace,
I dream of war..
of hope
of fear
of love
of sorrow....
funny how?
Don't laugh...or you'll suffer my torturess death...
There I am, standing amongs the living, blue sky, shining sea,
on the other side side...
there I am, stand amongs the now dead...a purple sky, a bleeding sea...
the dark side of me..