
For five years,
I've lived with guilt,
it's my fault,
you're gone,
I can't bring you back,
No one can,
I should've never opened the door,
let you play in the snow,
but I was young,
and stupid,
I wasn't thinking,
I never thought you'd run,
out in the road,
it's my fault you're dead,
and I miss you,
more than anyone,
or anything,
I no longer have hope,
or enjoy coming home,
without you here,
my life is a mess,
I never got to say goodbye,
and it hurts,
because it is my fault,
I will always suffer,
and live with the guilt...
the death...
♠ ♠ ♠
I accidently killed my dog and no one knows that I did it...i've kept this in for a really long time...