Bring On The Sun

When we first met things were simple,
Even though you are older than me we seemed to get along,
The leaves were starting to fall,
And the air was becoming colder,
December entered our lives,
And before I knew it your birthday had come as well,
You were grateful that I had been one of the first to wish you a happy birthday,
And I was happy back then as well,
Everything was going right,
By the end of December things were going even better,
Until New Years,
When things went drastically downhill,
And I just wanted to be alone,
We both pushed each other away,
And I pushed you down deep in my soul for too long,
If only I knew things were going to get worse from then on,
I would've talked to you more,
But I can't predict the future,
This was bound to happen,
I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to,
When February arrived we had pretty much forgotten about each other,
Though I felt bad,
I was relieved,
Back in January I think I scared you,
Over how I was,
And then the snow melted in March,
I was starting to regret what I did,
But there were other things going on,
Someone else needed me more,
I needed to help them,
Even though there wasn't much I could do,
I still tried to help,
And the rain fell from the sky in April,
Things were getting better,
But life still wasn't normal,
I had realized how much time I wasted,
You weren't going to be here forever,
Only to leave next month,
By this time I was too afraid to talk to you,
And just wanted you to go,
Even though a part of me hated the thought,
But it was for the best,
And now in May,
I've reached my darkest point,
A point so low that you wouldn't be able to stand me,
I've fallen from grace,
From being normal to being like this,
And you've remained the same,
Life goes on for you,
And for me I don't want to sleep anymore,
Because when I wake up another day has to start,
But one thing has kept me happy,
That you barely remember me,
How sad that might seem,
It still brings me comfort,
You asked how I was a while ago,
And I replied that I was fine,
Even though I wasn't,
But I just wanted you to be happy,
And I would do all that I could to keep you that way,
Even if I had to lie,
Because I don't want you to remember me as sad,
But someone doing just fine,
So with my last week that I'm going to see you,
I don't want to be sad,
No matter how dark my surrounding is,
No matter how sad I am,
Light will illuminate my darkness,
So bring on the sun,
And let me be happy for you,
Just once.