True Beauty

You let out a sigh as you look in your 50 mirrors,
a tear dripples down your cheek.
Sadness looms over you like darkness in the night sky,
you're scared that you're ugly infront of your viewers.

Freckles mourn your face,
your lips are baby pink,
Your hair is frized up,
tears run down your cheek in a slow and steady pace.

Have you ever not realized that looks don't matter?
Make-up and plastic are fake.
You're pretty just the way you are,
skinnier or fatter.

True beauty lies deep within,
smiles and laughters is the beauty,
snobs and cockiness is the oppisite,
don't you know that thinking bad of yourself is a sin?

True beauty is the rights that you do,
plaster a smile,
or let out a giggle,
because true beauty is you.
♠ ♠ ♠
Everyone is beautiful just the way they are.
No one is you, let your funkiness go wild.
Make-up and plastic surgery is the oppisite of true beauty,
be true to yourself and LET UR BEAUTINESS GLOW!!