
Mist swirls up in a cloud of steam
Wolves howl at the translucent moon
Eyes pierce through the darkness
Glowing with a light of their own

The smell of iron, of blood, of death
They shudder as they walk
Fear swelling within them
No place to run but farther into the dream

Heart thrashing against your chest
A cold sweat covering your skin
You can't believe it's real
You'll never wake to the light of day again

Farther and farther they go
Deeper and deeper into
The hollow shadows of
Your Nightmare
♠ ♠ ♠
Hello, thanks for reading. Please leave comments I would like to know what you are thinking (sorry if that sounds stalker like) But yeah, I wrote this poem in math class and let my friend read it and she said I should post it on here, I have made a few slight changes to it, but other than that I hope you enjoyed it.