
The years have gone by,
so quick,
it's like yesterday,
we just met,
You've been my neighbor,
for over 8 years,
but for me,
it's like forever,
we grew up together,
as two complete opposites,
but yet,
we make a perfect team,
we've shared the laughter,
and shed the tears,
in four more years,
we will no longer,
be together,
we'll be off on our own,
hopefully we'll see each other again,
so we don't have to say goodbye,
for long,
you're the only true friend,
I have ever had,
and unfortunately,
I've never told you that,
I wish we didn't have to go seprate ways,
'cause saying goodbye,
but for now...
You're perfect,
any guy would be lucky to have you,
you're sweet,
and funny,
you're loyal,
and (suprisingly jk) not a big mouth,
I can't wait 'till we are older,
with kids,
and sharing old,
and making new memories together,
until we say goodbye,
I just want you to know,
that you are the friend,
I've always wanted:)

<3 yah Perfect