Thank you

I'm running
always running
i hear voices
I try to follow
I can't lach on to one
I find the voice i want
but get swept up in others
you're fat
you're ugly
your dad hates you

you're my best friend
you're my sister
I run towards that voice
i have to get there
every day i get closer

but one day it happend
the voice told me something
it blended with all the others

It hurt to much to listen
I had only one more voice to keep me going
to keep me wanting
to reach that voice still

i called out for you in the dark
you answerd with you're own call
I sat and thought about how much I hurt you
i know i have to keep running
though terrible faces pop up
but thank you
because every time i stop now
you grab my hand
lead me away
and i know
someday I'll join you
in a happy place