Who am i?

I've changed for you.
I had no choice but to.

You made my life a lie...
Now everything i had to do must die..

Hold habbits better change fast.
For the old me isn't going to last.

I've believed it was for the greater good.
I must have misunderstood.

I'm tired of being a fake.
This is something i just cant take.
My lifes at stake..

You took my power...
made me leep like a flower...

Took my guts...
told me no buts...

Made me lose the last fifteen years of my life...
Its like you split me into two with your knife...

Im not going to change for you.
No matter wat you have to say or do.

I ain't your chew toy.
Grow up and stop actting like a two year old boy.

You made me see the light.
Now im doing wats right.

Thx to you ive been labeled.
Made my life unstable.

It is about time i found out exactly:
"Who am I?"
♠ ♠ ♠
this is from my heart. im tired of being tossed around.its bout time i changed to be the person i want to be not u or her or him or them...me just me.