Theres a mystery, Here in T-town.

stomach, cease thy lustful quake,
heart, silence thy fruitful howl.
body, please, keep me stable.
for this abrupt emotion i cannot betake.

beneath these scars i cower,
afraid of the temptation that comes with mystery.
by and by, the days come and go
and this forbidden curiosity continues to grow.

and my surroundings seem so bleary.
with these thoughts of you.
i try to fight,but in the end i subdue.
it is a process i undergo,
by and by, as my feelings grow.

i bate my breath, as i wait for your aknowledgment
and they say absence makes the heart grow fonder.
but absence was never granted, because presence was never met.
and this puzzling reality i ponder.

stomach, cease thy lustful quake,
heart, suppress thy screeching sirens.
for this weakening emotion i cannot betake.