Ends Of Our Worlds

When in the course of human events:

Some teachers give us too much homework,

You start to feel like an overworked store clerk,

Who only runs on minimum wage.

And now we turn the page to where we stand here right now.

The econ crashed and the government's controlling,

Cuz of all the furloughs and layoffs, our parents demand more perfection

And when our grades fall to C's and D's,

Our hearts and minds lose their ease.

The stress builds up and look what happens

It seems the Apocalypse is close at hand.

Maybe not the world, but our's alone all alone.

Though they try to understand,

They really don't until the end.

We try escape through the internet,

But how can we when sites are blocked?

These laptops are ours so why can't we use them

To ease our stress and calm our minds?

In the end we all will crack,

When our only escape is dreamless sleep.