Heartless Bitch

I dont date
I do everything I can
To avoid fate
I say I dont need a man

You'll notice my green eyes
And the way they shine
You'll notice the white smile
But never see the lies

You'll hear me laugh
But thats all
You wont hear the sobs
You wont be around to see me fall

I said it didnt hurt
I played it cool
But it killed me inside
You made me feel like a fool

I hate seeing you
But no one can tell
I act as I normally do
I pretend everythings well

Really im falling apart
Trying not to cry
Tired of keeping these feelings bottled up
Wishing I didnt have to lie

But you know
If I ever said how I really felt
People would know
Im not heartless

Oh I wish I was
I'd alreadly be as broken as could be
There'd be nothing to fear
And no one could hurt me

But oh no thats not for me
I just get to pretend to be happy
If only someone would open there eyes and see
They would understand who I really am

But for now they just see
What I want them to
The person who isnt close to the real me
They see a heartless bitch.