Hallucinations of the Greatest Kind

I love you.
You make me happy.
You make me want to be one of those....
one of those....
one of those girls
who love....
those who bore seeds
fertilized by your love
I love you.
how is it I love you?
How can you scare me
How can you tear me apart.........
then hold me together....
Leave my heart to bleed
....bleeding in peace.
Bleeding with love...
love for you
I love you.
Why do you hurt?
Why do you seek my heart?
How can you seek my heart?
I can hear you
I can feel you
I can love you
I do.
I do hear you
I do feel you
I do love you
......but why can't I see you
Why does my love for you not stem to their eyes?
Why can they not see how we share love?
Where is the gap in between my eyes and theirs?
Where is it I have to take them to see.......
I love you.
I love your existence.
But they it is not.
They say you exist not
They lie...
You bleed and i feel it.
If you are not real then let e see if I bleed as well
There goes my heart.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this after havinga n experience that destroyed my way of thinking and built it up as an open window for everyone.