
I'm burning out, this isn't what I want right now.
I never used to think this much.
I really wish I had never asked,
bugged and pleaded to hear what was making you fret.
I didn't expect this in return.
Maybe one that lasted for a moment, then it's gone, if anything.
It lingers in my mind.
Is this as good as it gets?

First, I thought of how better off we'd both be.
You admitted it's hard, I know it will be.
Nothing in life will be simple, never. Just the way things are.
Sure, you wouldn't have as much problems at home,
but what will you do,
when something else, but even harder comes along?

I could've sworn we were better than this, at one point before.
I sit against my bedroom wall,
pondering the thought of leaving you, which I never do.
Just the thought, shocked me. I've never felt this way.
Am I jealous? Sure.
Are you jealous? Yes.

I'm not sick of you yet, I'm not ready for you to leave.
I can't explain how I've been feeling the past few days, I couldn't tell you.
I can see this going so far, yet not far at all.
Depends how tough we are.

The truth is, and you probably already know..
I love you, and it won't stop.
But what you said, has never left my mind.
I can't help but worry about our relationship.
I want to give you my complete trust, like I've been doing,
I'm just trying to not get burned.

This feeling is contagious, I caught it from you.
You have my word, I'd never even think of betraying your trust like that.
I have no other choice, for now, you have my trust.
I don't want to lose you, not that easy.