

Holding or containing nothing,
Having no occupants or inhabants; vacant.
Lacking power and force.
Lacking purpose and substance; meaningless.

A void.

Empty is a powerful word. A word that describes
a person perhaps. Just an empty shell of a person,
a shell that holds no substance whatsoever. 

A person like me.

Empty seems to be my only friend,
the only one by my side, watching over me,
following me.

Because that's what friends do.

A room. It's sad and dark and just,

And the walls close in and the floor
collapses and I'm falling.
Falling into emptiness, forever falling 

Because in empty there is no end.

And the tears fly upwards with the wind,
tangling in my hair.
But I never make a sound,

Because there is no one
to hear you in the emptiness.

Not even the smallest beam
of light filters through the darkness.
And while falling through this terror
I can feel something hot eat away at my flesh,
gnawing my insides, and making me numb.

Light bursts through my eyelids
and prys them apart,
burning my skull.
But when my vision refocuses
I can see the moonbeams
hitting the floorboards proudly.
And underneath me I feel the cool bed sheets. 

And as I look around my room I can feel it all around me.
Watching me. Beside me. Following me.

And I still don't know which is the dream.

Because more than anything,
       empty is torturous.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like it guys <33