My Love Is Like A Star

*My Love Is Like A Star*

It does not matter how far
For you will always see a star
But promise me this forever
That you'll think of me wherever, whenever
Watch for the stars' bright light
Which pierces the dark of the night
That will always keep you in sight
Just like my love
Sweet and simple as a dove
I will always find my way to your heart
I will give you courage in your greatest endeavor
Strength in your most ferocious battle
Hope to salvage your lost soul
I'll never think that you belong with me
For I am but a simple star
Find happiness in your own way
And I will lay content along with my brothers and sisters of the sky
Watching you forever
Together with you for eternity
For my light will shine for years to come
And one day it will shine once more on your path
And I will guide you like in the past.