
Cruel, sinister, unholy things
Are those of what has happened to me.
There are no words, no way to measure
All of the memories of you that I will treasure.

A voice so sweet
Flowing through ones ears like a soft caress.
A hardworking body has been put to rest
The thought of never seeing you again - I detest.

This heinous event that has occurred
Took something from me that I love so much.
That pearly white smile etched on your face. . .
So beautiful even a painting by Picasso would put it to disgrace.

Mephistophelian ways, which are always repeated
Old age, murder, a car accident – the possibilities are countless.
God has taken one so precious, so special
One who from the beginning had such great potential.

I remember the way you would tell me about your day
The emotions that danced through your sparkling eyes.
The laughs we’ve shared, how you’d walk gracefully even with a cane
Now, since your gone, these are the memories that remain.
♠ ♠ ♠
I wrote this when I lost my Great Grandmother. Please comment!