The day

This is the day where every other day start.
An historical day, full of adventures.
Full of Joy, Happiness, Sorrow and Horror.
And every feeling in between follows.
This is the day were every other day starts, and ends
Not only this day, but every other day as well
A day without Happiness and Sorrow isn't a day at all
We learn to appreciate the days as we grow
Appreciate the world and the
But why do we do such things then?
Killing others
Fighting over belief,
Gender and
This has been going on for centuries
When does it end?
Is this how its gonna be forever?
Who is hurting us?
People say God created the earth
But then why does he allow these things?
Thats a question for each and every one
We, us, are the ones at fault
We decide
Not any God-like creature
We are doing this to ourself,
And only we can stop this
So why don't we?
This is "the day"