It's the end.

Is this your attempt at goodbye,
Is this your evolution, coming to life?

After always feeling dead inside,
How does it feel, to be alive!

Your counting how many times you will fall,
How long will it be, Till you lose it all?

Mind's thinking, Hearts paining, do you understand, what your putting yourself through?
All the things, that you say.
All the things, that you do.

All by your self, all on your own, walking the lines, walking the roads,
No one is there, No one seems to care..

Is this your attempt at goodbye?
Is this your outstanding demonic cry,
for everyone else to drop dead, for everyone else to die.

Is this what it's like, to live a lie?
To feel how your life will end,
to wish and hope, that your life would end?

Then this is the end.