Knock Your Head Off

With trembling hands I write this rhyme
Before he comes back and I'm out of time
To hear his footsteps thud up the stairs
Sends me chills and raises my hairs

His alcohol breath burns in my eyes
That's not the only reason why I cry
The threats he promises can only strike fear
With weary eyes I slip a small tear

It's fragile and breaks the floor like glass
Shattering and splintering the base so vast
If only I had time to speak my words
But he clenched my throat and said very stern:

"If you dare dye your hair; I'll knock your head off"
My senses warn me that I had better stop
He continues though, with his furious rage
And tells me I can't control my life until I'm of age

This happened this evening, with the humid air thick
That clogged my choking throat as he rose his fist
It hung in the air, like a slow drifting cloud
I just thank God that it didn't strike down
♠ ♠ ♠
just made this right here and now.
i got in a fight with my father about dying my hair. he's 61 and im about to turn 15.
he is my biological father and its very difficult to do awesome things without him threatening me. tonight this fight just occurred and i was terrified so im just surprised that i was able to write this without im barging through my bedroom door.

:) don't worry. im safe i may have been over-exaggerating this poem when i wrote it (right now) but most of it is true.