I believe a best friend is someone who will listen to your problems and help you work through them even if its 3 am.
I think that a best friend will always encourage you.
They will tell you the truth even if it hurts.
They'll look out for you and protect you no matter what.
A best friend is some one who will never betray you.
Some one who'll stand by you through thick and thin.
They never judge you and never put you down.
They help you follow your dreams and comfort you during a tragedy.
They love you and know what it feels like to be all alone.
They're there with you even when you want to be left alone.
They look for you if your taken.
They search for you in the halls just to say good morning because they understand what it feels like to have no one.
They make you laugh even when your sad.
They never give up on you even if you give up on yourself.
They comfort you even if there in need of comfort too.
They never think twice about sticking up for you.
And they always love you no matter what you say or do in anger.

A best friend is someone who's always there,
You can tell her secrets without any fear,
When you cry she'll wipe away your tears,
She'll stand beside you all her years.

She'll help you up when you fall,
When you need help she's the first you call,
She'll stand up for you in a fight,
When you need a hug she'll hold you tight,
And whisper slowly in your ear,
"Every thing's all right."

She'll take care of you when you're ill,
She'll cheer you up when you're sad,
She'll someone who can make you smile,
Yet drive you completely mad.

A best friend is loyal and true,
And no matter what...
She'll always love you.