Pale Face

Whilst each tear drop that falls tells the story...
The story to bleed from the steely substitute,
As my open doors end in quarry,
I soon leave the broken frame to the minds pollute,

The cold creases across my dead skin,
And the scars reform as hacked away by emotions,
Several caress the one’s sin,
They leave the girl surrounded by gods fusions,

My spirit drifts from place to place,
As the heavy mist ceases to exist,
I try thee hardest to bodily the embrace,
But my mind corrupt and body distinguished,
I strain to endure that one last paleface.
♠ ♠ ♠
I always beleive that anyone can write poems if they put their mind to it, I don't follow the rules of english, I am my own god, so here it is, hope yah liked it :)