What Am I?

What am i why am i here
The demon that lurks inside me
It only wants pain death and darkness
i only causes fear and pain
i have no purpose no reason to live
i was left to die left alone
waiting for someone to love me waiting for someone
to pull me from the darkness the saddness
I watch you wanting your love
But you hate me you want me dead you fear me
all i am is a memory of what once was that never will go away
Why dont you love me all i want is to be loved
im so confused i dont know why im here why im alive
alone my demon found me crying
It spoke to me if found me and pulled me into shadow
The demon consumed my body and mind
it shared its thoughts with me it changed me
I waited for someone to pull me away to save me
But none came no one i was left alone alone alone
with no one to pull me from the darkness i was consumed by it
I found my purpose my demon helped me
to kill to cause pain to drink the blood of my enemies
no one loved me so no one will love
everyone has inner demons that they face
mine just is louder more convincing
Mine helped me find my purpose
Mine is an endless shadow a true demon
my demon is real