Even As I Cry

Even as I cry
For love found
And love lost
I can’t help but feel
This sadness filling me
Even as I cry
I find myself at peace
Knowing that, even though I’m crying
I found what makes me happy
That something can make me feel
Sadness, happiness
I find that my tears still can flow
That even through it all
I am not barren inside
Even as I cry
I find that there is still hope in this world
That all is not lost
That my path is not as twisted as I thought
The things I feel
Open my eyes so I can see
What means most to me
Is not something that can be seen
Even as I cry
I find what is truth and what is not
That what is usually hidden
Can be unlocked sometimes
If not, the harder it is to open
To give to whom you love
Even as I cry
Through the tears
I can truly see
How everything is meant to be