The Pain Inside

This pain inside
Only sometimes do I feel it
It comes suddenly
And takes time to fade away
Taking a piece of me with it
Never to come back
Every time I feel this pain
It hurts me so much
Ripping my heart in two
A wound that cannot be healed
This pain is strange to me
It hurts more than any other
But, at the same time
I feel relieved when it hurts
Because then I know for sure
That I have not fallen completely away
That what it still alive in me
Is still searching
What I feel during this pain
Both hurt and hope
Hurt for what I do not have
Hope of what I may one day find
These things twist inside
Burning me, fueling my will to live
As confusing as it all is
I know what causes it to hurt
But I do not resist the pain
I embrace it
Because I welcome the reminder
That I do, in fact know
What true love is