When I Think About You (Father)

When I Think About You
Things become twisted
And the surface fractures
I feel regret, anger, sadness
Regret that I didn’t know you better
Didn’t spend more time together
Getting to know you
Getting to love you
Anger that you left me
Before I even knew your face
Felt your touch
Heard you voice
Sadness that your gone
Before anything could be changed
A connection could be made
A Father to know his Son
When I Think About You
I get confused and hurt
But at the same time
I feel happiness, forgiveness, love
Happiness that I know you cared
Loved me enough to give up
Being my Father
In order to protect me
Forgiveness that you gave
Me a chance to survive
A chance to change things
By sacrificing your life
Love that you showed me
That love means doing anything
For those precious to you
A Father loving his Son