Love Left Undone

You were a real handful
You were there for me when Kristen and I broke up and we were friends from that moment on
Then On Valentine's Day everything changed.
I told you I loved you so blindly
But you said you loved me too
It was awfully short notice of things now that I think about it
We were together for about two months
And what an eventful two months it was
We had the most serious conversations
They made me so comfortable around you
You were such a little angel
So full of life and love
What I miss most about your love was how much you held onto me
That made your love one of the coolest things ever
You were always there for me like I was for you
But I kept trying to get out of the relationship
I didn't want to walk away hated like I did with Kristen
So I tried to save us that kind of pain
But there was something about you that made me stop and think that we could work it out
The real reason we broke up was because we didn't talked much
Believe me it hurt a lot to let go of you
And that was because you held to me so tight
In some ways it still hurts
I still feel like such a prick for putting an end to it like that
But still to this day I love you just as you are
You are such a beautiful loving person
One day I'll make it all up to you
I don't know how I'm going to do it
But I am going to do it
I'm glad we still have so much love for each other
We talk when we can and that's enough for me
My feelings for you are dormant now
Maybe one day they will come back to life
But until then life must go on
I know how much it hurts
I'm hurting just like you
But one day all the pain will be gone
And then we can live again.

For Breanna. You are always missed and in my thoughts.