The Girl Who Suffered

This is a story about a girl
Who was on the pursuit of happiness
Who loved everyone dearly
Who smiled always
Who wanted people to be happy
Even if it meant that she would be unhappy herself
Who carried the weight of the world on her shoulders
Who at a young age was blamed for mistakes she did not commit
Who tried to correct those mistakes
And was called worthless
But no one saw behind the happy smile
No one saw the girl patiently suffering for the sake of others
Her enemies destroyed her life
And as she try to reconnect her old life
She tries to find happiness
Not for her own
But for the sake of her enemies
Yet her life was so sorrowful
Betrayed by friends for the sake of a scandal
Scoffed at for being misunderstood
Unable to see past the tears forming on her face
Unable to escape her daily tormentors
Even still, she gave it all up
No one truly understood her suffering
They called her a hypocrite
And as they stone her to her death
She has a faint glimpse
Of her old life
Of a little girl clasping the hand of her father
That little girl had no mother
But she saw it normal
Her father told her that her mother was dead
And she cried for a woman who was not dead
But gave her up so she could lead a happy, full life
But all dreams must end at a point
And the child's father left her
Left her to the care of her uncle and her aunt
She learned to love the two strangers tasked to care for her
But sadly they did not love her.
They used her for their own gain
And the girl found out
The real truth of her life
The secret that kept her crying silent tears in the dead of the night
Until now she finds no rest
All the people see are her black clothes
They only hear the music they called evil
They called her the daughter of the devil
Told others that she constantly lied, cheated and manipulated
But the girl was not like that.
She prayed daily to a God whom she believed in
She sought out guidance from the One in Heaven
Everyday, people continue to stone her
But still she prays
That one day she will be saved from her suffering
Then the day came
She could fight no longer
And as they laughed sneeringly in her face
As they stoned her
As they hit her
She died.
She was misunderstood
An outcast among society
This is a story
A story of girl who sought true happiness
But died in the attempt
This is the story
Of the girl who suffered.