Heart Break

Heart break surrounds me
Hatred is all around me
No one is here for me
No one cares about me

Can somebody hear me
Can somebody save me
How did I get here
I don't belong here

No one understands me
I wish people believed in me
I wish I had a Savior

I don't belong here
How did I get here
Can somebody see me
Can somebody help me

Heartbreak surrounds me
Hatred is all around me
No one is here to care for me
No one will care when i'm gone

I wish I could end this
I don't want this life

All I see is people hatin
All I hear is people b***hin

I know I'm not perfect
But what is perfect?

I wish you were here
So I could hold you
So we could have fun
Hun I miss you

The days go by, they feel like forever
Without you here by my side
But its not a perfect world, If so you would be here still
I wish I could see you and hold you again

Oh Baby how I remembered everything
All the times we spent
All the memories soon fade with you

I wish I could be with you
I wish I could end this
Oh Baby I wish you were here
For me to hold and kiss you once again

All I wanted from you was for you to be my hero
Or my Savior
‘Cause babe I love you forever and always
I want you right here and right now

I want to end this life so I can join you
And spend forever with each other like you promised

Heart break surrounds me
Hatred is all around me
No one is here for me
No one cares about me

Can somebody hear me
Can somebody save me
How did I get here
I don’t belong here

I belong with you
I belong right by your side and you right by mine
But boy were you wrong to leave in such a place

Where everyone hates me
Where everyone wants me dead

So what do you do
You fight fire with fire
I wish I could burn so I could see you again
Hold you and kiss you

When you were gone
I am left hanging on by a thread
‘Cause you left me here on this earth
All I do is hold onto the words you say

I remember the times we had
Those days were the good life
I wish I see you again baby
I miss you touch, I miss your smell

Oh how do I miss your taste
Oh how do I miss your hugs
Oh how do I miss you, you!

When you left all I could feel inside was a monster
And that monster wanted to come out
I just kept it inside of me
You never you what beast was hiding inside me

‘Cause babe you wouldn’t be able to control my monster
I hate what I have become since you left me
I miss your everything
I kept a secret side from you

That secret side you never knew
‘Cause I was ashamed of what I became
‘Cause I felt like a monster like you were
So I just killed the monster

Everywhere I turn I see your monster
Your monster reminds me of your shadow
Your shadow kept me safe
Kept me alright when they weren’t

I try to save myself
But its like im being controlled by a master
I turn around to see your hiding shadow

Can you help me
Can you save me
I can’t find the answer cause I’m lookin for you
And your lookin for me

We were made for each other out here
We are not different at all
We love each other
We love being with each other

Please come take me away from this place
Please come save me from myself

When you save me I will be happy
Their will be no more sadness inside of me
‘Cause baby I have you, you!

We loved each other
We showed how much we loved each other
I miss you embrace
I miss you baby

All the memories I have are starting to fade
I can’t take any more of this pain
I want this pain to end
I want to join you, I want to hold you again

When I held you I felt safe
When I held you it felt like the world was back
Now I’m in an ordinary world, were nothing matters
The only thing that matters to me is you

When you left me all you did was hurt me
‘Cause I was going to tell you how much you meant to me
And since you’ve been gone
I have crying myself to sleep

I miss your smell
I miss your taste
I miss your body
Oh baby I miss you

Please come back to me
Oh Baby please come back to me
When you find yourself
Come back to me and show me your still here

Oh I wish you believed in me
Cause before you were gone
You were my drug you were better than drugs

When I felt your heartbeat
I felt safe
I could escape this f**ked up life
I could be with you

Oh you were my Hero
When I was getting weak you breathed into me
And brought me back to be with you
Oh how I miss your breath

You had me addicted for life
Oh how I miss wearin your hats
Oh how I miss your lips
Oh how I miss your embrace

Your heartbeat was my lullaby
It would be my escape from this world

Sometimes I feel alone
I pray that you hear me
I scream inside for you

I’m not afraid of you anymore
I believe in you
I have faith in you

So baby come back to me
I need you here and now
I need you with me
I believe in you

I have faith in you
My faith will get us anywhere
Our love is stronger than both of us

I remember all the b***hin we did
I remember all the hatin we did
But we made up after
Oh how I miss our breath

I am not the same as you left me
I have changed because you left me behind
Im losing myself under my scars
Im hangin on but you wont save me

I was holdin onto every breath we shared
I miss your breath on my lips
I miss you here with me
I feel so incomplete

So I have been holdin onto you
I wont let go
Im hangin by a thread

Please save me from this unknown place
Save me from this life its almost easy to save me

Can somebody hear me
Can somebody save me
Its almost easy to save me from this life

No one understands me
I wish people believed in me
I wish I had a Savior

You were my everything
I know you were hear with me
Cause you stare at me after we fought

Everything has crashed and break
Since you left
So you could be my Savior
I would get to hold you again

When I hold you I feel safe
I feel complete with you here

I lose myself with you
I don’t know myself anymore
Breathe your life into me
Finally breathe into me

This is how feel when im hiding the pain
Breathe into me
Breathe your life into me
So I can be with you

I can join you
I can love you
I can have you again
And we can be happy again

I wish I could hold you
I wish you protect me
I wish you could be here with me
I want to join you forever
So we can be together for life

You know me
And I remember you if not look into my eyes
Your voice is the only thing I recognize
Cause after loving you I can never be the same

I cant act like I don’t know you
I kills me cause of how you loved me
I can never be same after I watched you disappear
Nothing compares to you

I cant let you go
I’ll never be the same after loving you
Cause we loved each other so much
You showed it and so did I

I wish you were here to hold
I wish you were here to kiss
I wish you were here to mess with
I wish you were here with me

When you left me here on this hell
All I did was fall inside the black
Cause my world turned to black when you left
You left me here so cold your touch gave me life

I miss you in my life
You said for me to let go
Its hard to let you go
I miss you here I don’t want to let you go

Letting go is to hard to do
I rather die than let go of you
I need you in my life
I need your protection

I need a Savior
I need somebody to believe in me

You always left me heart broken

Yeah Heart Broken
