Degrade Me.

You really need to stop
talking about other people
and learn to be nice.
Except I know you can’t, and
you never will be able to;
I wouldn’t have to think twice.
But talking isn’t all you do;
in fact, it’s only the beginning
of your actions day to day.
I think that it’s your mission
to constantly degrade people;
you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Physical violence cannot compare
to the way you treat your peers,
no matter what you think.
Emotional cruelty is much worse
than being hit when you’re down,
bringing any morale to its brink.
Slowly but surely accumulating,
your insignificant remarks
will build up tenfold inside,
tearing at your victims’ consciences
and ripping them into frayed threads
until they don’t even want to be alive.