Food For Thought

My teacher is like an ice cream bombe
Layers showcasing different skills and knowledge
It all comes together to make something exquisite

The base is sturdy, though sometimes crumbles
Made of homemade cookies, it invites everyone in
Luring them with the intoxicating scent of baking

The ice cream layer appeals to kids and adults alike
Gently churned, it's creamy and smooth and soft
The delicate vanilla flavour just waiting to be free

The chocolate filled centre is silky and flavourful
Adding an extra oomph to the natural vanilla below
A treat to any conoisseur who knows their craft

The piped meringue looks firm and stiff
Golden florets speak of a sophisticated chef
Not too light, not too dark, it fits just right

This ice cream bombe is complex indeed
And when you first cut it open to remove the first slice
You really start to grasp how amazing it truly is