Potentially Eternal

Lost in a crowd of masked traitors,
I spin in circles, looking for you.
Lost in a mass of crowned royalties,
I suffer to define what is real and what is true.

Fear of the future grips me too tight,
As I close my eyes to the swirl of faces.
Fear of the dark pushes me to lunacy,
As I see behind my lids a clutter of places.

You see in me what I cannot.
Yet I don't understand what there is to see.
You love me for everthing I surely am not.
Yet all of these things you know are me.

Now I halt the chaotic tilt-a-whirl of life
To discover why people have love in their eyes.
Now I run to you, no matter what chases me
To the brink of exhaustion and despair and lies.

I give to you what you've never asked
For I know that you shall return yours to me.
I hold you dear and close to myself
For I see in your eyes all we're destined to be.

We spin in the pandemonium of existence
Together, though many disagree with this.
We hold tight to the hope of our potential.
Together, we cherish an eternal kiss.