Tears Form Behind My Eyes

Tears form behind my eyes
I keep from crying sometimes
Some days are okay, other days are really hard
Once in a while I can’t take it
The tears come down and won’t stop
I’m scared and terrified of my own mind
The things I think about hurt me so badly
So many days I want to go to bed
Not wake up the next day just hoping
When I finally wake up I will be in a new place
One where I don’t have any of my memories
I don’t want to remember anything
That ever happened ever again.
My memories haunt me
They keep replaying over and over
Again in my mind and won’t stop
The days I wished I was there to stop him
I could’ve been the one instead of her
He loved me not her yet he hurt me
She didn’t feel any remorse for me
I was the one that loved him so much
He barely knew her, she didn’t care about him
I did, I was hurt, Not her.
Still I’m the one that wants him
Now I’m left scared of my own self.
Tears form behind my eyes