Rambling? Me? Never!

Well well well
(Three holes in the ground
As a teacher long gone
Would have said)
Me? Always.
It’s my path,
My feet have travelled
It so long
I know no-where
Else to tread.
Steer me?
Oh do.
I long to see the world
(Stupid stubborn feet).
Schelgel, Novalis
Please, sod off;
I care not for your clever wording
And your drawn out thoughts.
Speak, clear and slow
(It’s due on Friday!)
So that I can understand.
Ah, sweet waves
Crash upon cold sand.
Summer, why must you leave me?
Take me with you
On a gentle breeze
(Ha! A cliché!)
Inspiration, find me!
Push my boat forwards
To the finish line.
Jumbling, juggling,
Telling not much.
But I don’t suppose you really care.
Neither do I.
Or at least I don’t think I do.