A Narration Of a Tragic Affair

Your words hung and spiraled on those hot summer days,
You were refreshing and cool,
The rain that I needed.

With just one embrace
You took me away from that dark place where I hid,
Where not one heart went unquestioned.
Except yours.

Trust was boundless,
You broke down the diamond wall.

Under a sea of black
With bright white lies we layed.
Your hand in mine,
We stared at those stars and lost our innocence under the moonlight.

I remember laying in lush burgendy,
Where I looked up at you
And my addiction began with the first taste
Of your morphine lips.

Passion Passion
Pain Pain

Walking through old memories
And seeing your eyes light up,
One word could say so much to you.

Falling Falling,
Faster, Deeper,
This wishing well,
This rabbit hole,
Does it have no end ?

I waited, waited for you to catch me.
Rolling on the bedroom floor,
I proved it to you for the first time,
My heart was glued.
Was yours too ?
You're so contradictory.

My writing's getting sloppy,
Mind is shutting down.
Heart ? Cold, dark, void, gone, emptiness.

I asked you to catch me when I fell,
But I guess I just imagined it.

The lies don't work anymore,
They're just another drug.
I'll kiss you goodnight
But pray that in the morning
I'll wake up and not remember a thing.

Because this mind is a hell
And your face greets me
At every turn,
This life and love is a joke,
and BOY,
You leave me speechless.