Laugh At The Irony

Isn’t it strange
That you found me all alone?
Sitting there crying
Chilled to the bone

You fixed me up
Sewed up the cracks
I thought I was gone
But you pulled me back

And I don’t know how
But you made me smile
It was such a relief
I’d been in denial

And then you did the same
You broke my heart in two
And it was even worse
Because it was you

My hero, my angel
The one I thought I could trust
I thought you were the good guy
And it’s so hard to adjust

And I’ve cried even more
Than I did the first time
I really want to get better
But there’s so far to climb

And I have to wonder
Isn’t it ironic?
Of all the broken souls
It was me you would pick

And I have to laugh
At the irony
It could have happened to anyone
But it happened to me