Fog and the Mist

The fog surrounds her brain,
Drowning out each and every thought.
She cannot find her way through the mist,
She soon becomes distrought.

The fog has whisked away her dreams,
To places that are unknown.
The mist reminds her that what she's seen,
Led her to this tombstone.

She let him get inside her head,
She allowed him to take her soul.
He took her heart without a word,
Now she's paid the toll.

The fog has rewritten her past,
In a way that makes it sound divine.
The mist has swept away her future,
Now she's stuck behind.

The fog has brought with it what nobody sees,
All the monsters from before.
The mist carries them through the night,
Causing her mind to have start a Civil War.

She let him move throughout her body,
She allowed him to tear her apart.
He ran away quickly once he saw what he did,
Yet she didn't get the head start.

So she lost the war against the fog,
It brought her to her ending.
The mist led her to his love,
But now her heart needs mending.
♠ ♠ ♠
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