Forever Stay

We're walking along together,
You're right at my side,
There's nothing to worry about,
Nothing to hide.

You laugh because you're happy,
Not because you're scared,
I love you like this,
You've always cared.

My hand fits yours,
When I trip you catch me,
When we're lost you find the way,
When it's dark you can see.

I see the sparkle in your eye,
The smile accross your face,
We can stay here forever,
In this magical place.

With nothing and everything to do,
Nothing at all to fear,
I couldn't be any happier,
Because you're right here.

But now I wake up,
There's no one to catch me when I fall,
I'm in an empty room,
Nothing here at all.

Its dark and I can't see,
I'm lost and I can't find my way,
You're not here anymore,
But in my dreams you'll forever stay.