Now I know... I love you.

They're saying hes lucky,
And messing up what he has,
With me?
I'm finding that hard to believe.

So many times,
I have been hurt,
Why did i doubt,
You wouldn't do that?

Your not the same as him,
The way that you act,
Perhaps that explains,
Why I'm hurting for just that.

Not because of him,
But because of how I was treated,
He was always around,
And I was used to it.

I didn't think I could cry again,
After everything I went through,
With him,
The first to make me hurt.

Then I didn't think I wanted it again,
Never to fall in love,
Yeah that's what I had said.

But I was wrong,
I always am,
Now what do I think,
When everything that was right,
Is horrible.

Your too far,
Just keep pushing me away,
And I don't know what to say,
Because I'm scared you will leave me.

How come it took this,
Pain and tears and self harm,
To make me realize,
I'm over him.

To make my wall crash down,
So I now know,
I'm in love with you,
And now its too late to change.