
With our desperation for a high
We scrounge around these dark streets
We steal from the rich and buy from the poor
Anything we can do to survive
Anything we can do to get high
We buy our dope
We roll it and we smoke
Light it up and toke
Our heads spin
Our vision blurred
We are not ourselves anymore
Complete slaves to the drugs we scavenge
We roam the streets looking for more
We can never have enough
A life of pain and suffering it is
When all you can depend on is drugs
Although we can never fully depend on ourselves
When will be our next high?
Where can we score?
What if we get cought?
We are paranoid and we love it
We love living on the edge
We love the feeling it gives us
When we get high
Sex drugs rock and roll
Thats our motto
It's our way of life
Our way of survival
Is to get high
All day every day
Pipes, bongs, joints, blades
Anyway we can
We don't like the drugs
But the drugs are always there
So whats the point of holding back
Pick it up
Roll it up
And smoke it like it's your last
Cuz you never know
It just might be
When your living with drugs