The Stone

Through the emerald, leafy trees
lies a dark Stone.
It is no larger than an eye
but no smaller than one's own.
Stark in the cover of the
green undergrowth the Pebble of night
gleams benevolently
like a diamond in light.
The Stone glitters with silver
and holds one rainbow sphere.
If any creature
with claws of anger, teeth of torture, or a heart of hate
approaches the starry Rock,
they will be trapped in its cold clutches.
But if a being
who has suffered
and borne pain
with a broken spirit,
the forest will shine with
the light of Hope
and Hope is the Stone itself.
And dream beyond the the Stone of
and the Stone of
you will find a Hole.
The Hole swirls with death and pain
and slowly swallows the wounded world.
For the goodness of the Earth
is failing slowly
and rapidly at once.
♠ ♠ ♠
I suppose this won't make sense to most...but the terrible people of the world didnt find this rock i guess....