The Storm

I remove my shoes
walk through the lush green grass
a carpet of life envelops my feet
The clouds above darken and swell

I lie down
and await the first drips of rain
the wind picks up
sending waves through my ocean of grass

A storm approaches
a single droplet falls and breaks on my lips
the wind begins to roar
my ocean is thrilled

The clouds tear open
they pour out rivers
sweet, crystal water
washes over my face

Thunder and wind sing as one
lightening flashes and is gone
pure water seems to cleanse me
I feel it soaking back down into the Earth, and with it goes my past

The world is illuminated by sudden flashes
the storm rages in my ears
The wind and thunder no longer sing, but scream
The water no longer falls but is thrown from the sky

My eyes open
I stand and run for shelter
I sit on the porch
And the storm rages on