I Surrender to the Song

hands that touch Death, have known it and hold it,
now touch me--
long, cold fingers, like those of a pianist
tangled in my mermaid locks;
your eyes, glittering
(but with what I can never know)
in the dark speak of that which
my imagination cannot fathom.

whisper to me in the tongue of the dead,
tell me of the secrets of the world.
hiss the truth against my skin,
burning and scorching.

let it wrap around me,
vines around a hidden corpse,
so I will know the truth, the only truth;
forever and always it will sing inside me!
the song I remember
we once sang to each other.

those days are long over
but sometimes, in the dark
I close my eyes
and I remember.

in those moments, I see
you us me as we used to be;
it is easy to forget who we are.
well, what we are...but

when I see you for real,
on the street or from the window of my car
the illusion is shattered
and I am alone once more.
♠ ♠ ♠
dunno. just sort of happened, as per usual.