Alone in the Rain

I walk alone
At peace with myself
Watching the late afternoon clouds roll in
A sweet, cool breeze climbs around me
Brushing my hair in all directions
Grey mist sweeps down into my side view
The breeze gets cooler as it wraps around the trees
I smile at the beauty surrounding me

Low groans of thunder fall out of the blackening sky
Caressing my ears as it passes on by
The first drop of liquid hits the ground
As I walk, more and more comes down
It kisses my cheeks as it freely pours
Sends an intoxicating scent of which I want more
I dance with the rain; silent and free
I dance with the rain; alone - only me

I finally reach home -- soaked to the bone
I get myself warm - put on dry clothes
And sit myself down
Watching contently out the window
At my very own dancefloor
As the rain still falls, I smile once more