I Am

I am the sun; red, firey, angry
I am Winter; cold, alone
I am a paperclip; trying to hold my world together
I am cloud; full of deep emotion
I am a path; I get walked all over; used
I am a sad face; empty, in pain, lonely
I am a magnet; I attract shitty situations
I am a wave; free, yet constrained by the flow of life
I am ice; I have learnt to be cold, drawn within
I am morse code; hard to understand
I am human; driven by my heart, held back by my instincts
I am a dying flower; alive, only in my roots
I am a lost post-card; forgotten, warn down
I am time; only I have the ability to change myself
I am happiness; finding good within my misfortune
I am experience; life, love, failure, success
I am a brick; unable to move on
I am a padlock; inside my own mind
I am someone;
I am Jacki.