The World Ends...

The world ends on a warm summer’s day,
It figures.
The sun is beating down upon empty playgrounds
And fields stained with blood
And bodies where brave warriors once stood.

For most of the world it is any other day
When the world ends
When everybody dies
When Hell reigns on Earth
Most of the world is unaware that anything is wrong
Until they are gone
On the day the world ends

The battlefield begins a vast bright stretch of grass
Before the battle to save the Earth
Two men, a renegade Angel and a cripple
Against the hordes of Hell
The odds are against us,
Don’tcha think?

Heaven abandoned us on the day the world ends
Gave up trying
To create paradise
All but one Angel fled the ground
That day
The Angel that stays shines brighter than most
Has become addicted to this world
Its flaws and its humanity
And the righteous man

The righteous man is holding a sword
He is himself,
Not a puppet for those who deceive him
Fear is dancing round the edges of his self assured
As he stares the Devil in the eye
And fights
To save the world

The day the world ends is like any other day
Nothing out of place
Except, of course, the world ends.
♠ ♠ ♠
i'm not really happy with this, i kinda built the whole thing around the first stanza, which i think i'll use again, cause i really like it